It is with extreme excitement that I'm writing this post! Though it's always a littttttle bittersweet to see your baby grow so fast, I could not be more happy about the fact that we've reached the 2 month mark!
As a new momma bear, I truly feel like the first two months are pure survival for everyone involved. You're getting accustomed to one another, setting routines, your baby is still so small & fragile and because you just don't know anything about anything, there are so many questions, worries and fears those first couple of months. Now that I'm two months into this thing, my kid is growing, getting a little chunk on her thighs (which, by the way, I could eat!) and we are into a little routine each and every day, I feel much, much more comfortable with my sweet P and can truly say "We survived!"
Here's a look at my Sweet P at 2 months old:
Weight: 10 lb 9 oz
Height: 20 1/4 inches
Hair: Hair is sparse on top but coming in great in the back so it's safe to say sister is rocking a baby mullet lol! It's like a light brown/dark blonde color.
Eyes: Her eye color is still gray but a lot of people are thinking her eyes are going to be blue like her daddy's. She has really long eyelashes, too, which she'll thank me and her Nonna for one day!
Clothes: all of her smaller fitting newborn clothes (Carter's brand) are far too small & packed way (#tear). She still has a few newborn clothes that are bigger and still fit (Target & Old Navy brands) but other than that, we are mainly in a size 0-3 month right about now. I honestly thought the 0-3 month size was the dumbest sizing, I thought it was Baby Gap's way of sizing their clothing differently just to be difficult. Little did I know there's actually a purpose for this size and it's when they are (literally) in between 0 and 3 months. #duhstephanie
Diapers: Wearing a size 1 in Huggies and Pampers. I've always been told Pampers are the best but we are loving us some Huggies and will probably stick with Huggies once we run out of Pampers. However, Pampers wipes are the best. Hands down.
Sleeping: During the day, she takes naps anywhere from 3-4 times and from 30 minutes to 2 hours. (Praise God for the 2 hour naps!) At night we usually feed her and put her down around 10 or 10:30p and she wakes us up around 4am to be changed and fed again. No complaints there but I will be really happy when she gives us a fullllll night of sleep! During the day she naps in her swing or Rock & Play and has taken a few naps in her crib. At night, she sleeps in her Rock & Play in our room right next to my side of the bed.
Likes: Mornings! Paisley is SO happy and sweet in the mornings! That's usually the time I'm able to capture a few smile and giggles and it literally melts me every single time! She also loves being outside! She can be fussy as ever and we will try everything with no luck and all we have to do is step out into our backyard and the tears dry up immediately. It amazes me! So we have a morning person who loves the outdoors...definitely taking a few of my features and I'm not mad about it one bit! Adding to the list of likes: her giraffe Wubbanub (we named her Ginger lol), being held and sleeping in your arms, being read to, riding in the car or stroller and kicking around on her activity mat or in her crib. Oh and she's really starting to like her bouncer too!
Dislikes: Having her diaper changed, when we put her bib on or change her clothes (you would think we were beating her when we do this lol), and tummy time.
Eating: I gave up breast feeding around 5 weeks when I found out she wasn't getting enough from me. Instead of breast feeding, I'm exclusively pumping and bottle feeding. While it can sometimes be tricky trying to pump with a newborn who likes being held, it's working out so much better to bottle feed her because I know she's getting enough milk, which would attribute to her almost doubling in weight. She eats 4-5 oz every 3-4 hours, except in the middle of the night, which she goes 5-6 hours between feelings.
Milestones: tracking you with her eyes when you walk across the room, cooing, slowly finding her hands and her head support is getting really good! She's still a little bobble head at times but we're working on strengthening her neck everyday. I can't wait til she can hold her head up on her own!
Momma's favorites: When she giggles in her sleep. Oh. My. Word. It is the cahutest (aka: cutest) thing in the whole wide friggin' world when she does this and I love love love it so much! I always wonder what one earth she's laughing about though?! Another favorite of mine at this stage is that she's really becoming her own little person! Her laughs, her cries, her smiles, her little voice...I love watching her develop! It's so cool to me that she changes daily!
I know it's so cliche to say this but I really had no idea I could loves something SO much! And the crazy thing is that I fall more and more in love with her every day. Heck, every minute of every day. Sure, thre are times that are a little trying and it takes an act of congress to get both of us dressed and out the door everyday but when she looks up at me with those precious gray eyes and sneaks me a little smile, my whole body turns into a pile of mush!
Ok but really...time can slow down any minute now!