February 28, 2013

Saw it. Pinned it. Did it. - But it doesn't really have a name...

First things first...I'm gonna go ahead and say that in exactly ONE week from today...my partner-in-crime, link-up co-host, sister from another mister will be here. In my hometown. Staying in my house. Going to her very FIRST rodeo. In case you forgot, she looks a little something like this:
She hit every branch, twig & leaf on the pretty tree, did she not?

What does this mean to you?

A few things:

1. Make sure you follow us on the Insta so you can be completely annoyed with our 6,347 posts within a 5 day period.

2. Please note: next week's SPD link up will be MIA. That's right...we're taking a weeklong break so enjoy your time off and be ready to BRING IT March 14th. Deal?

3. I said a "few things" but it's really only a "couple things" but since I'm here, I might as well write something so this is me writing something.

Moving on...

I hope you kids put on your Pinterest panties today because today's project is (and I know I say this every week) my absolute, hands-down, without a doubt, favorite one I've done to date. Yes. I went there.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't had my eye on this project for quite some time now but let's just say I had to get a few things in place before I could actually make it happen...like buy a house so I would have actually have a space large enough to put it!

After purchasing "said" house...I'd need to actually get the courage to poke holes in my virgin walls so on our lil' house on the prairie's 2 month anniversary, she got nailed. Ahem...as in...we put nails in the wall to hang what you're about to see...(filthy minds...)

Here we go!

What do you get when you take this incredible original pin:
(Gah! Can't you just smelllll the rusticness coming through the computer screen?! I thought so too!)

And put the two together?!


Granted, mine has a little more clean, not-so-cluttered look to it, and is still a work in progress (needs more color) and perhaps I'm 10 years late to the party but I would have never in a gazillion years thought to hang a wreath over a mirror. Would you?! 

The moment we hung this sucker, it instantly changed the room.
Total room changer right here, people. Total room changer.

Iono about you but I foresee MANY-a-holiday wreaths being made and switched out as the year goes on!

Saw it.
Pinned it.
Freaking did it.

Your turn!

Ze fine print:
+Link up using the tool below
+Link back to mine & Katie's blogs so other people can know about the link up
+Include the button below by pasting it into your HTML
+Don't forget to post it on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest! Get yourself out there!
Saw it. Pinned it. Did it.

Saw it. Pinned it. Did it!

1. Jessica @ All Things Ripple  19. Crochet Pavement Infinity Scarf @ Created by SK  37. Elisabeth @Diary of a Wannabe Southern Belle  
2. Veronica @ Passion,Pink and Pearls  20. Anne @ Hell on Heels: Antique Window Panes  38. Kaliwood  
3. Nicole @ Adventures of a Semper Fi Family  21. Helene In Between  39. Danielle @ Goodwillista  
4. Katie @ Keep Calm and Carry On (host)  22. Beth @ Everyday Comfort  40. simone  
5. Steph @ Beautiful Mess (host)  23. Because Shanna Said So  41. April @ Swoon!  
6. Samantha @ It's all in the details.  24. Jac @ Nora & Jac  42. Jenn @ PerfectlyImperfect  
7. Mallory @ Memoirs of a Missouri Girl  25. Katie @ Married...With a Pup  43. Meg@Tablefor3  
8. Meredith @ Belle in Boots  26. Brianne @ Being Bracco  44. Charise @ Bread and Cheese, Please!  
9. Catherine @ Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon  27. Quincee @ Quincee Taylor  45. Melissa @ Food Wine Matters  
10. Ashley @ Let's Get Bananas  28. Lindsay @ Lindsay Alexis  46. Taren @ Life of Taren  
11. Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often  29. Vixki @ lifeinmyemptynest  47. Nancy @ Teaching Mama  
12. Emily @@ Color Coded Crazy Life  30. Stormy @ Life's A Dance  48. Sarah @ Tucker Up  
13. Erin @ Two Thirds Hazel  31. Emily @ Just the 2 of Us  49. Hannah  
14. Carly @ The Pinot Project  32. Katie @ Unwritten  50. Jaclyn @ A Day in the Life and Mind...  
15. Ericka @ This Crazy Thing Called Life  33. My Bag of Sunshine!!  51. Shelby @ STAY CRAFTY MY FRIENDS  
16. Allison @ Texas Mrs.  34. Kate @ Not Your Typical Jersey Girl  52. Brianna @ Heart of Life  
17. Ashley @ Cup of Ash Tea  35. Rachel @ An Eventful Life  
18. Jaime @ {Toby's Tails}  36. Lura @ Domesticability Whiskey Barrel Table  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

February 27, 2013

Behind The Scenes

So the other day I open up my phone to snap a photo of the sunset (what else?) only to find none other than the screen of death. You know the one I'm talking about...

It reads something along the lines of "You take one too many photos and are forbidden to take another one until you delete one of the 9,000+ photos you're currently storing on a device the size of your hand."
Guilty as charged.

Yes. Screen of death.

So naturally I start going through the old iPhone searching for pics to delete...one, by one, by one, by one...only to find that I have multiples of the exact same pictures over, and over, and over again and I stop to think...there can only be one culprit.


I mean, do I smile? Do I not? Zoom in? Zoom out? What about this angle? Or that filter? Does it need to be lightened? Should I airbrush my face? What about my hair? How's my hair? 

(Maybe you should be the judge? Shameless plug: follow me at @MrsStephHoward)

Today you're in for a REAL treat because I'm taking you on a behind the scenes tour of what goes into a single Instagram post. Oh yea...I'm going there. Granted-I am far from having the best Instagram pics ever but lets just say posting just ONE image is far from simple.

I mean, 6 different photos of me wearing a plain white top & jeans. SIX? And then the filter I pick for the final post makes me look as pale as Taylor Swift. At least my hair looks lighter...

FOUR photos of my Jesus Juice because who the heck doesn't need four pictures of the green stuff? (And yes, I really named it "Jesus Juice".)

SIX shots of Beau & I at our Valentine's dinner...Arm down? Hand on hip? Gentle kiss on the cheek? Aw hell. They're all too dark. Start over. Two more shots andddd done. Lighten her up and she's good to go! 

And per usual...I saved the best for last.

NINE different pics of me and my camera. NINE, people. And now that I think about it, what a dumb picture to post anyways!

Annnd finally...the good ol' front seat selfie. Smile? No smile? Head back? Head forward? Blow a kiss? Aw screw it. Pick another pasty filter to make myself look comparable to Casper. Aaand share! 

Perhaps I'm a lunatic. Perhaps I'm just like every other Instagrammer out there (please agree with the latter) but either way, I've got a real problem on my hands folks. There's no telling what else I could be doing with my time when I'm not snapping and editing a gazillion iPhone photos...

(For the prettiest...and I mean prettiest Instagram pics you ever did see, you may or may not want to follow Riahnnon @heygorgevents. Perfect, I tell ya! I don't even know her but she's my Instagram idol. Yes. I just said that.).

And today's bonus: my favorite photo editing apps!

AfterGlow: Best .99 cents I ever spent, thanks to Shay. I use this one to lighten my images (psst: it's the brightness affect) but it does SO much more!

Aviary: I mainly use this one for the blemish affect. Yes-my skin is far from perfect and thanks to Aviary, I can just airbrush myself to flawless skin. A girl can dream, right?!

Gorilla Cam: Download this NOW for the simple fact that it has a self-timer! Yes...a self-timer so when you want a picture of you and there's no one around to take it, you can. Problem...solved!

Pic Frame: Easy app that allows you to make collages with all your iPhone photos. All the images you see above were made through this app. :)

And there we have it! You can thank me by leaving a comment with YOUR favorite photo editing app mmmkay?!

February 25, 2013

Mondays, Aunt Flow & Jesus Juice

Oh. Hey...

You again...

No. No. NO! Not you!

...Monday. She's here...again. 

Kind of like Aunt Flow. Always on a routine. Always inevitable. Still hated more and more as the weeks go by.

Anywho-lets not talk about either of those subjects anymore. We all know they're both the root cause of bad moods, weird cravings and my husband wanting to jump off a 10-story building every 3 weeks.

Poor guy. At least he looks good doing so. Aaaand we're moving on now.

A quick glance at my weekend. Might I add it was 70+ degrees all. weekend. long. and I was IN. HEAVEN. Be jealous, snow birds. BE jealous.
one. Teensy black & gold bow ring because one can never have enough bows (or Beaus) in her life! ;)
two. Company awards party with my darn good lookin' husby.
three. Same party with my girl, Casey!
four. Saturday selfie in coral & blue. Did I mention I was LOVING the 70+ degree spring weather this weekend?
five. Aaaand again.
six. Matching martini. Matching top. Totally planned that. ;)
seven. Showering my sissy-in-law and the girls!! 20 weeks with triplets...doesn't she look amazing?!
eight. Sunday morning bed heads.
nine. Primed & painted our first coat of garage floor paint. Looks SO good already!

And NOW for the good stuff...a NEW and amazingly delicious and obviously healthy juicing recipe I've so conveniently named "Jesus Juice" for the sole purpose of it being created on a Sunday...
2 handfuls brussels sprouts | 2 BIG handfuls spinach | 2 handfuls lettuce (iceberg or romaine) | 2 apples

Whirl around in your juicer and en-freaking-JOY! Makes a FULL 12 oz glass and is, hands down, the BEST combination I've ever put together!

*Juicing sidenote: I read that apple seeds contain cyanide so if you're juicing apples, make sure you cut out the seeds!

And there we have it friends. I'm linking up with Sami today for Weekend Shenanigans (& you should totally do it too!) Here's to hoping your Monday goes off without a hitch! Ta ta!

February 21, 2013

Ma! The meatloaf!

*10 points for the first person who guesses the movie quote from above! ;)

Kidding. (Focus, Stephanie.)

1 new (should I mention very healthy?) recipe
+A few simple ingredients
+4 simple steps
= a solid 10 from your husband (and yourself) and a new weeknight favorite

My version & my obvious need to work on my food photography skills...

I introduce you to Paleo Meatloaf Balls. Total game-changer in your meal planning people. Total. Game. Changer. 

Here's what you'll need:
     *yields about 25-30 balls

  • 1 lb ground beef (I used venison)
  • 1/2 onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 fist-sized sweet potato, finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp parsley, chopped
  • 1/4 cup tomato paste
  • coconut oil

ONE. Combine all ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
TWO. Mix well using a hand mixer.
THREE. Roll into golf ball-sized meatballs.
FOUR. Coat bottom of baking dish with coconut oil & bake for 15-20 minutes on 375.

And that's about as easy as they come, y'all. Serve with two fresh veggies (I opted for steamed broccoli & brussel spouts) and ennnnnjoy! We prefer to dip ours in ketchup but to each his own. :)

Added bonus: you should have PLENTY left for lunch and/or dinner the following day(s) and any recipe that makes enough for leftovers is a total win in this girl's book!

Shameless plug: feel free to pin this to make for later. I promise you will not be disappointed! (Oh, and if you're not following me on the ol' Pinterest, get at me, k? @mrsstephhoward)
For next week's project, I'm taking a poll! In your comment, let me know what types of projects do you prefer to see on here. DIY home decor? Recipes? Outfit post? Beauty tip (hair, nails, makeup, etc)? YOU TELL ME! Whichever topic wins is what I'll do for my project next Thursday. Deal? Deal!
Don't forget to link up with us by linking back to Katie and I's blogs, include the button below and link up with your most recent Pinterest project!

Saw it. Pinned it. Did it.

Saw it. Pinned it. Did it! 

1. Kym @ Somewhere Between j and k  22. Haley @ What's Happening with Haley  43. Jessica @ Little Country Girl  
2. Megan @ It's Good to be Queen  23. Sarah @ anythingbetween  44. Sarah @ Total Basset Case  
3. Diaper Wreath @ Created by SK  24. Kaliwood  45. Cortney @Autumn Sunsets  
4. Kristen @It Starts with Two  25. Ashley @ Cup of Ash Tea  46. Steph @ Living The Young Life  
5. Tiff @ My Smile Saga  26. Katie @ Dreaming in Lace and Pearls  47. Robin w/ Buffalo Cauliflower Bites  
6. Katie @ KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON  27. Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often  48. Alecia Rae Photography  
7. Steph @ BEAUtiful Mess  28. Jac @ Nora & Jac  49. Mosey @ Mosey Prose  
8. Brooke @ Tales from my fairytale  29. Meghan @ little girl in the big world  50. Anne @ HOH (Bathroom Remodel: Faux Brick Panels)  
9. Allison @ Texas Mrs.  30. Kaylin  51. Chocolate Bread Pudding!  
10. Ericka @ This Crazy Thing Called Life  31. Nicole  52. Jessica @ All Things Ripple  
11. Lauren @ On a lighter note...  32. April @ Swoon!  53. Katelyn @ Keeping Up With Katelyn  
12. Jill @ Bluegrass Belle  33. Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest  54. Juliann The Texan  
13. Samantha @ It's all in the details.  34. Nicole @ LBD  55. Nicole @ Adventures of a Semper Fi Family  
14. Sarah @ Tucker Up  35. Abby - Life At It's Finest!  56. Tarah @ My Life Be Like Ohh Ahh Ohh  
15. I Wore Yoga Pants  36. Lins @ Country Roots City Living  57. Brittney @ Baseballs & Bows  
16. Alisa - Buffet Makeover  37. Cayla @ Livin on Love  58. Andrea @ This Beautiful Insanity  
17. Beth @ Everyday Comfort  38. Anne @ In Residence  59. Randi @ A Modern Day Fairy Tale  
18. Carly @ The Pinot Project  39. Melissa @ A Little Bolt of Life  60. Megan @Tablefor3  
19. Savanah @ What Makes Savanah Smile...  40. Kate @ Not Your Typical Jersey Girl  61. Emily@ Color Coded Crazy  
20. Brianne @ Being Bracco  41. Elisabeth @Diary of a Wannabe Southern Belle  62. B is for Becky - Slouchy Hat  
21. jess @ jess is more  42. Krystal @ It's Krystal...with a K  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

February 19, 2013

Accessorize this. Accessorize that.

I may not be a fashionista but I'm a firm believer in accessorizing every aspect of your life for every outfit of your life. From your wrists and your ears to your eyes and, yes, even your cell phone...boring accessories just don't do it for me.

Speaking of, I'm pretty sure I hit the cell phone cover jackpot with the new Jonathan Adler iPhone case from Lifeguard Press.  I've had my fair share of phone cases (6, in the past 14 months) and this is, by far, my favorite. Don't get me wrong, I loved my Lilly phone case but this one is SO much more durable and fits like a glove! Not to mention, it's bright floral pattern makes me wishing it was spring like yesterday. 

Also swooning over...

Our new pup needs this in her life. Yes?!

Moving right along...lets talk sunnies.

I feel like I've spent the last 10 years of my life wearing the complete wrong sunglasses for my face. That is, until I found aviators this past year. (Seriously? Am I the last one to every party?!) I bought my first legit pair of Rayban aviators last summer and just recently received a silver pair of Roxy aviators from Sunglass Shop and holy love! Don't get me wrong...I love my Raybans...but the Roxys fit my face SO well. Plus-are perfect for the days I wear all silver. See? Accessorize this. Accessorize that.

Not gonna lie...if someone secretly put these gems in my mailbox, 
I wouldn't be hating it.
I die. Gold. Aviators. Hearts. T&Co...yes, yes, yes and YES.

Surely you didn't think I'd forget to cover your wrist, did you?

Meet Alex, the tortoise.
Okay, kidding. Kinda...because this fine piece of arm candy is really called the "Alex Tortoise" and you need it on your wrist stat. I love me a good watch, I really do. However, I haven't yet had the juevos to drop $300+ on one. (That's like 3rd base in my relationship with watches and right now, I'm stuck on first.) The Alex collection from Wristology is so perfectly reasonable. Big face, 5 finishes, waterproof, surrounded in crystals, and free custom sizing. (No trip to the watch repair guy = a win in my book!) Did I mention a portion of every purchase goes to a charitable cause of your choice? Pretty sure that's like 6 wins people.

And because y'all all know by now I saved the best part for last, are you ready for a total game changer when it comes to your accessories?

I'm sorry? Was that a "yes"?


That's www.sammoon.com...got that?

I swear, every time I leave there, I walk out with baggggs full of accessories for less than $50 and a TON of their stuff is the EXACT same schtuff as what I've seen at Francesca's, but for a fraction of the price. (Sorry, Franny's.) More than just jewelry, they have purses, clutches, shoes, scarves, knitted headbands, sunnies, watches,  iPhone cases, you name it...they have it. 

Everything you see pictured above...less than $10.

You're welcome.

And though their stores are only in Texas, you can shop online...or just make a trip down to the Lonestar State.

Oh ya. You're welcome again.

And on that note, I'm gonna go ahead and leave now. I'm pretty sure I'm about to have some UPset husbands after their wives max out their credit cards from online shopping.

My bad.

February 18, 2013

Ruffles. Omelets. Booties.

Also known as...my weekend in a nutshell.
one. My Friday morning, which consisted of ruffles, pink and kisses. Just the way I like it!
two. Sister finally got the new purse she's been DYING for. Thanks, Beau! #whatbabywantsbabygets :)
three. Organic garlic growing underneath our baby grapefruit tree! Grow babies, GROW!
four. Egg & almond cheese omelet with a side of OJ & fresh fruit. YUM in my friggin' TUM!
five. Baby shower plannin'
six. Bath time = my kinda heaven
seven. Obligatory girl's night photo...collection of bling on my girl, Chelsea's hand :)
eight. What NOT to eat. #ramannoodles #ithappened
nine. New pretties for my little ears. So. In. Love.

You know what else I'm in love with?

The fact that Katie will be here...in my hometown...IN MY HOME...in less than 3 weeks!! So so SO excited to have her and Billy here and show them all around the H!

Seriously. What did we do before emoticons?

Ok just ONE more thing...if you're looking for a good....and I mean goooooooood  booty workout, this one does NOT disappoint. I was absolutely, positively, without a doubt feeling the pain halfway through and I am absolutely, positively, without a doubt hurting this morning. Love me a good burn! (See below for complete workout.)


Hope your weekend was equally full of ruffles, omelets & Brazilian booties. :)
Link up with Sami & share your weekend!

February 15, 2013

That Time Massage Heights RUINED My Valentine's Day

We all know the many perks of blogging and social media...getting your message out there for the world to know about it, good or bad.

When something great happens...we blog about it.
When we fall head over heels in love with a product...we blog about.
Heck, if we actually get dressed for the day...we blog about it.
Finally, when someone or some company downright PISSES us off AND ruins our Valentine's Day...

YUP...you bet your sweet cheeks...
Let me take a minute to preface this post by filling you in a few very important details...
A new Massage Heights just opened within 2 miles of our house so Beau and I were SO excited to have a nice salon so close to us.

We had never tried MH before so we were anxious to give them a shot. I Google mapped them, called 'em up and made our appointments last week. I gave them my credit card info to reserve the time slots and was told that if I needed to cancel, I needed to call within 24 hours and if I didn't, they were going to charge me anyways. Fine by me. I wasn't cancelling so there was no need to call...I just needed to show up the day of our appointment, which was 2/14 at 6pm.
Beau and I haven't treated ourselves to massages in well over 2 years so to say they were much needed is a total understatement. We were excited ALL day...we hadn't gotten each other Valentine's Day gifts because our massages were our gifts to each other. I rush home from work, exhausted as all get out and SO ready for this hour long session to do absolutely nothing but lay there. It's 5:45pm and we walk in to check in for our appointments only to find out we are nowhere to be found in their system. Awesome.
She searches every name possible in her system and finally finds us...AT ANOTHER SALON. Yep...our appointments were scheduled at a different salon on the complete other side of town. Perfect.
It's now 5 minutes before our massages are supposed to begin and it's rush hour. There's no way in HELL we'd be able to make it to a salon that I had NEVER even heard or, nor did I even KNOW they had a location there. Why in God's name would I have made an appointment at a salon I didn't know existed?
The lady at the front counter tells me they're going to have to charge my card anyways since they had to pay their masseuses no matter what.
Face drops. Not "no"...but "HELL NO".
The fiesty little Italian inside me was RAGING at this point. (Thanks, mom.) Over my dead body would I be charged fot TWO massages I wasn't going to be getting when THEY were the ones that booked it at the wrong location. She tells me I need to call the manager to fight that battle so I do. She's "busy"...of course...and will have to "call me back".
I'm smarter than the average idiot so I call Capital One and cancel my credit card to ensure they, indeed, would NOT be charging me for a service I did not receive. Card put on hold. Muahahahahahaaaaaa...joke's on YOU Massage Heights.
The manager at Massage Heights calls me back and there was no budging with this chick. She was pure "this is our policy" mode. BS. I work in customer service and I know damn good and well you can get around "the policy" to provide your customers with just that..SERVICE.
 I tried to give her a chance. I even TOOK THE BLAME and proceeded to ask her if charging a potential customer $100 for two massages she was NOT receiving was worth losing a customer for life and SHE FLAT OUT SAID "YES".
I just giggled and in the sweetest little voice told her to "go ahad...charge my card allllll you want honey. Happy Valentine's Day to you too." And hung up the phone.
Moral of the story:  No payment from this chick and you're about to lose hundreds of customers by the time they get done reading this. Massage on THAT.
Rant = over.
To ensure our Valentine's wasn't a complete fail, we ended the night getting mani's and pedi's (gotta love a man who enjoys them as much as you do), eating crock pot taco chili (de-lish by the way!), drinking red wine and enjoying the movie, Friends With Benefits! Perfectly imperfect. Just the way I like it.

February 14, 2013

Saw it. Pinned it. Did it. - Valentine's Mani

First things first...happy LOVE day, y'all!! 

You should all be WELL aware of the fact that today's project is nothing short of something Valentine's Day related. I mean, hello? Do you know me?! 

You should also know that this is BY FAR one of the simplest "projects" I've done, to date. Besides my awkward looking fingers (let's just say I'll never be a hand model...), this is quite possibly my favorite pin to recreate. 

Pink. Nail polish. Hearts.
Need I say more?!

What you'll need:

*previously painted & thoroughly dried nails in whatever base color you prefer. (I chose Essie "Mod Square")
*painters tape
*another nail polish contrasting from your base color. (I chose white.)
*a top coat...nothing short of Essie "Good to Go". I SWEAR by this stuff. 5 minute dry-time...TOPS!

1. Tear off a piece of painters tape.
2. Fold it in half, careful to not seal the end pieces.
3. Cut out a half-heart along the fold line. Remember when we learned how to do this in, ohhh, say 1st grade?!
4. Un-fold/un-stick your piece of painters tape and make sure your heart is the correct size/shape.

5. Wrap your heart template around whichever nail you'd like to paint. Make sure all edges are sealed to see that no nail polish leaks through.
6. Apply white polish to heart template. (You'll probably need at least 2 coats.)

Peel your tape off and...


Simply adorable, right?!

I'm so festive...I know.

Happy Valentine's Day lovers!! Don't forget to tell someone you love 'em today!
What'd you make this week?! Link up, y'all!

Saw It. Pinned It. Did It!

1. Kristen @It Starts with Two  27. Allison @ Texas Mrs  53. Heather @ My GurleeGirrl World  
2. Kristen @ All In My Twenties  28. Ashley @ Cup of Ash Tea  54. Aleshea @ Glitzngrits- Cake Balls  
3. Melissa @ A Little Bolt of Life  29. Erica @ Young and Fabulous  55. Jac @ Nora & Jac  
4. Casey @ Pink Polka Dots  30. Emily @ Simple Suburbia  56. Marcy @ The Mustache Diaries  
5. Katie @ KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON  31. Amanda aka Manda  57. Rachel @ An Eventful Life  
6. Steph @ BEAUtiful Mess  32. Wine and Summer  58. Miranda  
7. POTATO STAMPED PILLOW&BABY LEGGINGS  33. Melanie @Sarcasm and Curls  59. Kelly @ Today Was A Fairytale  
8. Lindsay @ LL Styling Events  34. Samantha @ Life Is Better Blonde  60. This Life of Mine  
9. April @ Swoon!  35. Selena@Life In The Heights  61. Heart Sugar Cookies @ Created by SK  
10. Quincee @ Quincee Taylor  36. Kate @ Not Your Typical Jersey Girl  62. Baby Shower Fun! By Tess  
11. Mallory @ Memoirs of a Missouri Girl  37. rach @ in my life i love you more  63. Courtney@ Simply Selman  
12. Kristen @ Making each minute count  38. Life, Love, & Pursuits of Katie  64. Teaching Mama  
13. Nicole @ Adventures of a Semper Fi Family  39. Lindsay @ Lindsay Alexis  65. Angelica @ Life as the Louis's  
14. Jill @ Classy with a Kick  40. Alisa @ All Things Alisa  66. Emily @ Simply Styled Emily  
15. Linny @ Kangaroos Shoes & I Dos  41. Made by Lori  67. Kim @ slice of life  
16. Ashlee @ a-m-v  42. Sarah @ A Life Worth Blogging About  68. Personalized Burlap pillow & mugs  
17. Brooke @ Tales from my fairytale  43. Kaliwood  69. Elizabeth @ Running with the Raccas  
18. Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often  44. Lauren  70. Katie @ Dreaming In Lace and Pearls  
19. Allison @ Nestful of Love  45. Stormy @ Life's A Dance  71. Meg@TABLEFOR3  
20. Jen @ Life, Love & Puppy Paws  46. Kate @ Sweet Southern Sunshine  72. Brianne @ Being Bracco  
21. Sami's Shenanigans  47. Ashley @ It Is What You Make Iy  73. Caley @ Ellie Love  
22. Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest  48. Sarah @ Shuttlesworth Family Blog  74. Krista @ Life Somewhere in the Middle  
23. Ericka @ This Crazy Thing Called Life  49. Julia @ A Blonde Walked Into A Blog  75. Jennie @The Diary of a Real Housewife  
24. Julie @The Girl in the Red Shoes  50. Elisabeth @ Diary of a Wannabe Southern Belle  76. Emily @ Color Coded Crazy Life  
25. kili @little piece of aloha  51. Kristen @ Lifes a Beach!  77. Danielle @ Goodwillista  
26. Danavee @ This Vintage Grove  52. kaitlyn @ put a bow on it  78. Becky @ B is for Becky  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

February 13, 2013

On How to Stay in Love...

Let's just begin this by saying I am in no way, shape or form any type of marriage counselor. I have no fancy credentials and, in fact, you may be surprised to know I am not any kind of counselor. Actually, I haven't even been married for 2 years yet so if you don't accept the advice I'm about to provide you with, I totally get it. If you do, however, appreciate my advice, just call me Dr. Drew and feel free to stick a check in the mail to the address below.


There is no address. And I'd prefer to be called Dr. Howard. Mmmmkay?

I should also say my marriage is FAR from perfect.  Like, real far. We're only 22 months into this whole marriage biz and just like anything else, it takes a lot of hard work, compromise, good communication and wine. Lots of wine.

Slight warning: this gets mushy. (Don't say I didn't warn you!)

My take on...how to STAY in love:

1. Separate the problems between the tensions.

Problems are things like your spouse being abusive or addicted to porn. (I think we can all agree these are both HUGE problems.)

Tensions, on the other hand, are little things; leaving the toilet seat up, not picking up his shoes when you've asked him 16 times, or leaving dirty dishes in the sink for 2 days straight. (Hmmm...does that sound familiar, Beau Howard?) ;)

The difference between the two is that tensions aren't worth losing any sleep over. Problems ARE. Know the difference between something so measly as a tension in an effort to not create more problems. Pick your battles and fight fair.

Are those dishes in the sink really worth another stupid argument?
I mean, who can stay mad at that face?! ;)

2. Offer and accept daily affections.

This is HUGE in our house. Something as small as holding hands when you're on the couch or in the car, playing with each other's hair or a quick brush up against one another when he's washing said dishes. Sometimes it's as simple as a kiss on the cheek or even a flirty text! Flirting with each other is important. Scratch that...it's essential. You did it before you got married and there's no reason you shouldn't continue to do it after you get married. Let your guy know you still want him...and only him. ;)

3. Have some fun!

A happy heart is contagious! When you smile, your spouse smiles. When you laugh, your spouse laughs. Laughter is the best medicine so even in the toughest times, make sure you keep each other smiling as much as possible. Be spontaneous and make an honest effort to genuinely enjoy each other's company. Marriage is forever and in my humble opinion, I'd like to have fun forever.

4. Establish positive rituals.

I LOVE this one. When you go to bed, kiss each other goodnight. When you wake up, grab their hand and tell them good morning. When you leave for the day or even just to run to the grocery store, tell each other "goodbye" with a sweet, simple kiss and a hug. Most couples do this and don't even realize it so if that's you, give yourself a pat on the back. If you need help in this arena, it's ok! Just try it! I promise your man will be pleasantly surprised with your newfound habit!

The good news is that it's never too late to establish any of these into your relationship! And with tomorrow being Valentine's Day, what a more perfect time to start staying in love?!

Relationships are work, a LOT of work, so when you look around at other people's marriages/relationships and start to think "They have more sex than we do, make more money than we make, have more fun than we have, etc...", remind yourself that the grass is always greener where you water it.

Take time to water your relationship.


And because I love you ALL (yes...ALL of you!) and because I couldn't possibly mail out 1,700+ Valentine's Day cards...I hope you'll except my small gift:
Well...not my small gift because I didn't create it but I did, indeed, find it here.
Now get out there and love someone, wouldya!?

February 12, 2013

3 Years & 3 Months

So before this whole new year, 2013 thing happened, I decided I would share with you all my list of 30 before 30. For those of you on the slow train this morning (don't worry...I'm right there with ya)...30 things I'd like to complete before I'm 30 years old. I'll be 27 in 3 months (April 30th...write that down.) which means I've got 3 years and 3 months to complete all 30. {Gasp.}

I shared my list with you as a way to hold myself accountable for actually completing all 30. (Perhaps I should start posting my weekly chores and workouts so you all could hold me accountable there too? Just an idea...)

So anywho...since I've started working towards some of my goals, I realized I've actually made quite a bit of progress! (Pats self on back.) Granted, there's still a lot to do, but hey, at least we're not starting with a blank canvas here people. Give me some credit, k? K!

Some things I'm currently working on, some I've completely accomplished, and some, well, I haven't even thought about yet...

Without further adieu...my 30 before 30 update:
  1. Pay for someone else's meal anonymously: still looking for that perfect person/family!
  2. Witness a proposal: check & check! This should count as two things, yes?
  3. Be a maid of honor
  4. Learn graphic design: LONG way to go here... 
  5. Drink wine in Napa 
  6. Learn how to shoot in manual (& be semi-decent at it): EXTRA long way to go here...
  7. Make double mortgage payments once/year: possibly happening next month?! 
  8. Pack only in a carry on for a trip: DONE! My recent trips to both Pittsburgh AND Vegas were only packed in a carry on! And yes, one night trips totally count when the other people you're with checked bags! 
  9. Eat a raw diet for 3 days straight: ya...so about that...
  10. Turn my blog into a book 
  11. Write a gratitude for a full year: currently in progress! It's amazing the things you're thankful for when you know you have to write something different every single day for an entire year! I highly recommend this!
  12. Find a church and go regularly: DONE! Beau and I both recently found a church less than a mile from our house and we are really loving it! We actually get excited on Sunday mornings and look forward to the message for once! The fact that you can literally wear anything (and I mean ANYTHING) you want and our pastor is hysterical makes going to church THAT much better. 
  13. Swim in Lake Michigan: possibly this summer?! We shall see! 
  14. Grow blog to 6,500 followers: always a work in progress! And YES! Some bloggers may say they don't pay attention to/care about the followers. I'm pulling the BS card... 
  15. Send handwritten cards once/week 
  16. Renew our vows in April 2016: can we do this, like, tomorrow?! ;)
  17. Have a baby: no set plans as of now but who knows?!
  18. Go an entire week without social media: wahhhhh!! I don't wanna!! 
  19. Host a party all on my own 
  20. Start a new family tradition 
  21. Take a vacation with just Beau and myself: planning one for next year! Hallelujah! 
  22. Visit my family in Tennessee 
  23. Send my mom on a vacation 
  24. Get a puppy: Check! Check! Check! Well, almost! Our new baby girl will be home in 6-8 weeks! 
  25. Be a leader in my company: always a work in progress! 
  26. Buy Beau a Ford Raptor...in cash 
  27. Wake up at 5am every week day 
  28. Work out 3 times per week before work 
  29. Rebuild savings account to at least $25,000 
  30. Pay it forward in a really BIG way
My goal for 2013 is to complete 11 of the 30 to keep myself on track. It's only February and I've already knocked out 5. Can I get a hell ya?!

Proof yo:
{not pictured is #12, for obvious reasons...}

How are you doing on your 2013 goals? 
You DID set some, didn't you???


February 11, 2013

Weekend & Puppy Update

Raise your hand if you want to go back and pretend it's Friday again?
{Raises hand.}
Unfortunately, I don't have any control over that and I'm pretty sure you don't either so it looks like we're stuck with Monday whether we like it or not. Boo.
And since we can't go back to the weekend, we can at least revisit it. Can't we?

one. Big beautiful sun on my Saturday morning run. (Y'all know me...I'm a sunrise/sunset chaser for life...)
two. Core challenge I've been doing from Pinterest. Amazing workout! I was definitely feeling it the next day...
three. Getting a little work in...playing catch up from the past couple of weeks.
four. Sneaky peek of this week's SPD link up project! ;)
five. Fresh highlights and a simple spring-inspired outfit! 
six. New spring time pretties from Sam Moon. So cheap...your life will be forever changed! I swear.
seven. New stools for our bar!
eight. Juicing for the week. (Sidenote: I recently discovered that you can freeze juice w/o losing all the nutrients! Who knew?!)
nine. Sunday night movie time with a drug-free Linds Lo. Who knew sweet Hallie from Parent Trap would turn out to be such a tramp?

And, per usual, I saved the best for last...

On late Friday night I got a call from our breeder letting us know our sweet baby girl had been born!!! We weren't expecting the mom to go into labor until late February so you can only imagine how excited we were to find out we'd be getting her 3 weeks sooner! 
Excuse the poor quality pic...this is all the breeder has sent us so far but aren't those little worms just precious?! My heart is so full! (& happy & excited & anxious!)

At 4 weeks old, we'll get to pick out ours and around 7-8 weeks, we get to bring her home so we're looking to have her by early April!

As for the name, well...that's in Beau's hands since it's his pup. While I'd love to call her "Oaklea", Beau is really liking the name "June"...or "Reba" (since she'll have red hair) but this is absolutely without a doubt NOT happening. Period. We're open to options so if you have any non-common, preferably one syllable girl dog names, feel free to leave them in the comments below! I mean, how cool would it be if one of my lucky followers got to name our pup?! Just sayin'...
Link up!



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