Well, here we are...another week has come and gone and I currently stand here at 34 weeks and 3 days pregnant. 34 freaking weeks. I know I say this every week but this entire pregnancy feels like it has literally flown by!
I've decided I like this bullet list format much better than the ol' survey and, well, since I make the rules around here, we're just gonna stick with that. Mkay?!
- Baby girl is the size of a butternut squash and growing daily! She has a strong heartbeat (in the 150's as of this week) and thoroughly enjoys taking up the entire right side of my body. I swear I walked around all weekend with a lopsided belly. Not to mention sister LOVES poking her feet out into my side and not gonna lie but it hurts a little at times!
- It baffles me to know that she's already around 4 1/2 pounds and 18 inches long. Literally BAFFLES me! Pregnancy continues to amaze me on a daily basis!
- Also-I thought I was doing good in the weight department until I went to the doctor this week and gained almost 4 pounds in two weeks. Whooooops!
- As far as symptoms, my pelvic/pubic bone pain comes and goes. There's a fine line between sitting and standing too long so I'm really having to get creative to balance the two. Also, shortness of breath. Holy whoa! I didn't realize it until the other day but I almost huff and puff when I talk to much/too fast or after going up a flight of stairs. Other than that, I honestly cannot complain! Though my body aches more than normal, I honestly feel great and my energy levels are still existent so I'll consider that a win!
- That being said...this last week has been harder on me than normal. While I fully expected things to get a little tougher on my body and my patience to grow thinner, I definitely didn't think I'd feel the way I felt last week. Heavy, large and completely out of control of my body would be putting it nicely. Granted, some days are better than others, and I am so close to the finish line so I am really trying to cherish these last few weeks by getting excited about holding this sweet little girl who has taken up residence in this torso of mine for the past 8 1/2 months! (Whoa. Run-on sentence much?)
- My clothing selection is getting more limited by the hour and I am refusing to invest in anymore maternity clothes. I've been wearing pre-pregnancy workout shorts to exercise, walk and sleep in and as of this weekend, I'm down to maybe one pair that fits. Thanks, hips/butt/thighs. You really know how to make a girl feel good about herself... ;) Beau's boxers have become my newest BFF's at night.
- I have my family shower this weekend and then my work shower next week and I am SO looking forward to both!!! Friends, family, cupcakes and love for our baby girl...what more could I ask for??!! (Fingers crossed both of my dresses still fit when the time comes!)
- Now that the nursery is complete, all I want to do is go in there and stare at the walls, envisioning what it will be like once she's here!
- After my next doctor's appointment, I start going in every week to be checked for "progress". Exciting and terrifying all at the same time!
- I'm packing our hospital bags this weekend and holy guacamole IS THAT SURREAL!
- Finally, I had to include this. This is a to-the-week comparison of myself and my sister-in-law, Julie, who was pregnant with the triplets at the time. We're both 34 weeks + 3 days here. This is also the day she delivered those precious mini human beings and seriously...she AMAZES me. I hope I look half as good as she does the day I go into labor!
(Thanks for letting me share this, Julie! You are a SAINT!)
And here's what those sweet angel babies look like outside of that belly!
Until next time, friends! Have a great day!