First things first, kids. A HUGE thank you to all of your compliments on our home yesterday!! Holy WHOA. Y'all really know how to make a girl blush! We had a very rustic/chic/Pottery Barn-ish vision going into the whole homebuilding thing so I'm happy to see that y'all all approve of our selections! ;) As I get more stuffz on the walls, I promise to post more pics!
Next topic at hand: mine & Katie's Saw it. Pinned it. Did it. link up is today! For those of you newbies, feel free to link up (every Thursday!), include the button we created (at the bottom of this post), as well as the original pin from where you got your inspiration from and show us what you come up with! Whether it's a recipe you've been wanting to try, a craft of some sort, a new hairstyle, a fashion idea, or even the inevitable...a Pinterest fail (because we ALL know they happen!) Afterall, isn't it time you get to tackling your Pinterest boards! I think yes!
Moving right along...
So last week's Pinterest project was an outfit post. This week it's a recipe. Who am I?! Ok don't answer that. Hopefully one of these days I can turn one of these tropical island pins into a reality. (Beau-DID YOU READ THAT??) Oh! Where was I? Oh ya...this week, I bring you healthy tuna salad cucumber cups! I made these for a recent baby shower I hosted and then again for a company party and they were a HUGE hit! They make such a great appetizer for ANY party really (ahem...Super Bowl?!) and are SO stinkin' easy!
Original pin:
Here's what you'll need:
3 cucumbers | 1/2 red onion | 6 eggs | 6 Kosher pickle slices | Veganaise (or mayonnaise) | canned tuna or chicken
Veganaise may not look familiar to many of you so I'm here to tell you it's just a healthy version of mayonnaise that doesn't contain all the crap (vinegar, sugar, starch, preservatives, etc...) yet it tastes JUST like mayo. (Even Beau likes it!) If you're a Texas girl, they carry it at most HEB's and possibly at Whole Foods. If you're not, you can find it online here. (You're welcome.)
Let's get started. K?!

1. Boil your eggs.
2. While your eggs are boiling, slice cucumbers in 3/4 inch slices.
3. Using a melon baller, scoop out the top portion of your cucumber slice but be careful! You don't want to not scrape too deep or you'll have a hole in the bottom of your cup! Not that I would know from experience or anything... ;)
4. Continue scooping your cukes until all of your "cups" are created.

5. Chop your onion and pickles.
6. In a large mixing bowl, combine onion, pickles, tuna/chicken, veganaise and salt/pepper to taste.
7. Mix well.
8. Once your eggs are done boiling, chop them up and toss 'em around too.
Scoop your tuna/chicken salad into your cup & voila!
Chill for 30-45 minutes before serving & enjoy! Easy freakin' peasy, y'all! And healthy, too! #winning