I know it's really cliche to say this but honestly, the best part of Christmas truly is being around allllll of your family. Whether they're completely normal, or not. ;)
We don't get to spend a lot of time with my dad's brother and sister and their families but we do every Christmas eve and I really cherish that time with them. Christmas morning is always spent in our pjs with my mom, brother, sister-in-law, aunt & uncle. Mimosas are flyin' at 9am, along with eggs and bacon and gifts. Christmas morning always has been and always will be my most favoritist day of the year.
Later on Christmas day, we always venture over to Beau's parents' house to eat dinner and open gifts with his parents, sister, and brother-in-law and of course, the triplets. Now that the triplets are involved, it's already so much more fun!
Me & Sam
Whew! Got all that?! I can't imagine what Christmas will begin to look like once we have our own kiddos to throw into the mix!
Anywho...all that to be said...while quality time with the family and a mimosa-infused breakfast is the absolute best part of Christmas, the presents given on Christmas day also make it pretty freakin' sweet, too. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. I still wake up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning because I want to know what's in all those packages!
I don't know if I really was a good girl this year or my family just tried to be extra nice to me but I'd like to think I made it to the "nice" list. I was truly spoiled this year.
Here's a look at my top contenders:
Under Armour Micro G Pulse Running Shoes : I've had all kinds of running shoes and Under Armour continues to be my favorite. I'm no marathoner or anything like that, so I really don't even know what to look for in a good running shoe but I like that these are super light, make my size 10 feet like smaller than most tennis shoes and Under Armour always has to cutest color combos. Always an added bonus!
The Fit Bit Force: I swear angels sang when Beau gifted this to me on Christmas morning! I've wanted an activity monitor for a long time now and after doing a lot of research on the one that was right for me and my workouts, the Fit Bit Force could not be any more perfect. I will be doing a full review of it very soon (hopefully this week) but you should know I was sold on the following features: watch function, silent alarm clock (vibrates on your wrist), tracks calories burned, steps, distance, active minutes, flights of stairs climbed, and...the best part...it automatically syncs to your smart phone. At any point in time, I can look at the Fit Bit on my wrist or the app on my iPhone and they will always be accurate with one another. It's magical. I swear.
Kate Spade Bright Spot Darla Wallet: I snagged this beauty in our annual girl's gift exchange and let's just say it's been the perfect addition to my purse. I love that it's nice and small (smaller than my iPhone), but fits credit cards, cash and coins. Plus-it's hot pink. #winning
You might be a redneck if....Si-Cology 101 by: Si Robertson (and all the rest of the Duck Dynasty books) is at the top of your Christmas list. I really don't think this one needs much explanation so lets just say I can't wait to put my nose in this baby.
You might also be a redneck if the "Sweet Tea" necklace is on your Christmas list, right underneath 'said' Duck Dynasty books. It is what it is and I LOVE it! Thanks, mom! :)
There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it...if you get the Uncle Si book, a sweet tea necklace and a "Hey Y'all" pillow for Christmas...consider yourself to be president of the Redneck Association. Kidding. I love being from Texas...I just find it hysterical that most girls ask for heels, purses and clothes for Christmas and I'm all over here like "I just want the Duck Dynasty books!" The adorable "Hey Y'all" pillow is a gift from my "Midwestern" (as she calls herself) bestie, Katie. I know it's from Hobby Lobby but I couldn't find it online to link to it. Just know they have them there and it makes the perfect addition to any living room.
Ahhh...The North Face Shell Jacket: I've had my eye on one of these for a while now but never wanted to bite the bullet and buy it for myself. I love that fact that it's so versatile...you can wear it with a t-shirt, or even with a cute top and it doesn't look tacky. Not to mention, it's the perfect weight for the Texas "winter" weather we are currently having. Now if only they would go on sale I could grow my collection...
This baby.....THIS BABY....I swear is God's gift to every woman in America. With tile floors and a dog that sheds like cray, vacuuming 2+ times per week got real old real fast. The Roomba 780 has been and will be quite possibly my favorite gift of all time. Here's a quick video of the first time we played with it so it doesn't show much but just know this baby is too legit. Too legit to quit, actually. It cleans any room you choose, you can block rooms off with these little tower things and you can set it to run every day at a certain time. Y'all...it even leaves the vacuum lines on the carpet! Perhaps I'm easily amused but I am already obsessed with the fact that I have clean floors every day at noon.
Eeep! Navy blue Fiestaware!! Never in my life did I think I would ever ask for Fiestaware for Christmas...that's so 1990...let alone dishes in general...until I laid eyes on these pretties. I can't wait to mix them with other colors in the collection and brighten up my kitchen!
And finally...the Canon 50 mm lens!! My heart exploded when I saw this! Though I still need a little practice (judging by all these photos taken with it), I can't wait to see all the possibilities I can create with this puppy! Do you have a 50 mm lens?! Tell me your secrets!!
My cup runneth over this Christmas. Quality time with friends and family and pretty sweet gifts...I cannot complain one bit.
How was your Christmas?! Did you get everything you asked for?