37 weeks (&4 days) has arrived and I think it's safe to say as of this week, I am officially over it. Stick a fork in me. I'm done.
I have had a really enjoyable pregnancy so I am definitely not taking any of the first 36 weeks for granted, but my body hurts. My pelvis, pubic bone and back are killing me. My body is exhausted, mentally and physically. Weird things are happening all around. I don't feel like myself at all. And I'm just ready to meet this baby girl and figure out what life will be like with a little one. I'm ready to see Beau be a daddy. I'm ready to see my mom be a grandmother for the very first time. I'm just ready for her to be here.
Paisley and I have had several real serious pep talks in the past 24 hours and she is welcome to join this world any day now.
A few things I don't want to forget about this week:
- As of my appointment on Monday, I am 4 centimeters dilated, 50% effaced and baby girl is at a -2 position. Like last week, while this could all mean something, it could also mean nothing at all. Aye aye aye!
- All of this to be said, the doctor didn't really say "when" she thinks D-day will be, but she did say "Babies are born all the time at 37 weeks..."
- Thanks to lasagna, cupcakes and red velvet pancakes over the weekend, I refused to look at the scale at my appointment this week but I think it's somewhere around 27 pounds.
- I vacuumed all the blinds in the house this week. Who. Am. I?
- The carseat is officially installed! I repeat, there's a carseat in my backseat and it's a super weird thing to see back there!
- Thank the good Lord I do not have any stretch marks as of today. I've recently heard they can come in full force after delivery so I'll still be slathering on the Burt's Bee's Mama Bee for a few more weeks for sure!
- Labor signs: random contractions here and there but nothing painful or timeable, slight period-like cramping, and I may or may not be slowly losing my plug. (TMI? Sorry...but it's part of the process.) Not 100% sure about the plug part (Google can only help a girl out so much) but it's a possibility.
- That being said...a trip to L&D may or may not have happened yesterday. Without getting into too many details, everything is fine. Baby girl is fine. And I am not in labor.
- Watermelon is still my BFF. I cut one up on Saturday and it was completely demolished by yesterday morning. Note to self: Pick up watermelon after work. OH...and I canNOT stop eating crushed ice. GIMME ALL THE ICE!!! Nom nom nom!
- My roots in this week's bump photo are horrendous. Thank you. I know. My appointment is scheduled for this Friday should I not pop by then.
(Insert Jeopardy theme song here.)
I could deliver tomorrow. I could deliver in 3 weeks.
Yesterday when I was in L&D, it was a very sobering feeling. A feeling of "Oh my GOD is this it?", to "Holy crap I'm not ready!" to "Could we possibly be meeting our Paisley girl today?!" back to "No no no, I can't do this today. Not today." When I say every emotion ran through my mind yesterday, I mean every emotion and then some.
I'm completely terrified and excited all at the same time. Terrified of birth, excited about welcoming this precious blessing into our lives. Terrified of not knowing when all this is going to happen, but excited about being a parent with Beau. Terrified of complications, but excited to know that all of the anticipation over the past 9 months could be here any day now.
That's all for today. Only 3 more bump dates left MAX...bear with me people. ;)