I don't know what a "Scissor Biscuit" actually is but I do know it is the name of our co-ed softball team! (The guys named the team so us girls have nothing to do with it!) We aren't your typical softball team. We aren't very competitive when it comes to the game, and we also aren't all that great. But we are okay with this! Our main purpose is to drink and have a good time...which I must add we are VERY successful at! Rather than being pumped up for our next big game, we get "pumped up" about going to the smallest hole in the wall bar before and after each game, Hunter's Pub. It's located in a small, hidden corner off of 610 South and South Post Oak...not the best part of town. It smells like an old woman sitting on the pot, smoking a pack of cigarettes and reading the newspaper. It's almost embarrassing to say we go there but we have an absolute blast every time that I can't help but include it as a part of my life. They have free nachos every night and on special occasions they have free sloppy joes! (Classy...I know!)
So far, the Scissor Biscuits are 1-3. Not that great but not too terribly bad! As far as fun goes, we are batting 1000%! I really can't take credit for any of our success as I am simply the first base coach. I know you are all wondering why I am not playing since I played softball my entire life but in case you don't know...I paid a pretty penny for this nose of mine and I will be damned if I let some rookie ruin it with a bad throw!
Anyways, below are some of our most recent fun times had at Hunter's Pub! On this specific night, someone let us get a hold of a Sharpie...as you can tell...we are EASILY amused!
Jared's Antennas
Me & Margie
Team Photo
Mr. & Mrs! Can't you tell we are perfect for one another!
Me, Margie, Ash & Marion (totally unprepared for the pic!)
What other bar can you go to in a t-shirt, hair in a wadded up bun, with a moustache drawn on your finger and have THIS much fun?!
The funny thing about all this is that about 80% of the people you see in these pictures are in our wedding party. Prepare yourself. Our wedding will be just as crazy! I can promise that!
Happy Sunday!
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