So yesterday's recap on my blogger vacay in Ohio was sweet, sentimental and full of all the best pics I could have possibly gotten.
Today-I bring you the real stuff.
The outtakes.
The things you didn't see in yesterday's post.
You didn't actually think that out of 700+ photos I took,
I didn't get some really God-awful ones, did you?
I didn't get some really God-awful ones, did you?
First of all-let me just say I had my airplane outfit picked out for days. Beau and I both wanted those Ohioans to know that the Texands had arrived so we both strapped on our cowboy boots and headed north. Lez just say we were definitely the only ones in the entire state with a pair of legit cowboy boots. It's just how we roll... ;)
Nothin' like a airport bar nail salon...I mean, you're sitting there just waiting around, you might as well paint your fingee nails and give them sufficient time to dry. I'm all about efficiency people...I'll take the hot pink polish with a tall vodka/sodie on the side. Thanks.
And then came the epic Facetime sesh w/ Kristen. I don't even know if Kristen even realized we were on the phone. As you can see, she was more interested in watching herself make ridiculous faces in the screen rather than chatting with us. Last FT we'll ever do with her... ;)
I'm pretty sure breakfast in bed was supposed to be a Krysh family moment but I totally intruded. Poor Billy got stuck eating on the floor while Katie, Rocky and I lounged in their big fluffy bed whilst sipping warm Mickey D's coffee and stuffing our faces with eggs and bacon. Whooooops!

Sidenote: Rocky is like a raccoon. He always wants whatever you have. Yes...even coffee.
Then there was the time Erica wore my ring and sent the pic to her boyfriend.
Pretty sure there was no response to that text.
Oh Kurt, get with the program. Errcuhh needs a rock already!! ;)
What? You don't take us seriously in our bath towels and redneck wine glasses? We were having a serious convo, ok? We needed to know if the girls thought camping the next day was a good idea. (Pretty sure I vetoed that idea real quick when I mentioned the idea of sleeping in 90 degree weather. VOM.COM. I do not do well with heat.)
Never fails...neither one of us are EVER ready for a pic. Ever.
This one doesn't even need an explanation...
...aaaand then there were shots.
Birthday cake shots to be exact. (What? It was her birthday!)
And Katie is really bad at taking them...
Exhibit A: I have never officially seen anyone hold their nose and take a shot. Ever.
...aaaaand C:
Ya. He's gonna keeeeel me for this one but this is the absolute epitome of my husband.
I don't know how many times we had to tell him to get his fingers out of his nose.
Rocky licking the air vent.
Apparently when you're hotter than AIDS, this is the solution.
Not gonna lie, I like Rocky's thinking...
Not gonna lie, I like Rocky's thinking...
This could not describe Katie and I more perfectly. She's most likely bossing people around (because she's sassy like that) and I'm clearly giving Beau the biggest stank eye ever for taking a pic when not a single person is ready.
There's no telling how many other ridiculous pics we captured on everyone else's cameras.
On second thought, I don't think I even want to see those...
If you want to see an even more obnoxious amount of pics, feel free to visit the other girls!