Don't mind me. I'm just over here posting a gazillion photos of our trip to Atlantis last week. Sorry I'm not sorry for the overkill. If you missed
part 1, you might want to
read here first. Or just scroll down and let the stunning blue oceans of the Bahamas amaze the pants right off of you. Whatever floats your boat.
(Pun intended.)
Day 4 started out at Junkanoo Beach. It sits right next to downtown Nassau so while there were quite a few people there, it wasn't overly saturated with tourists. Plus-we somehow managed to snag free wifi, watch a few cruise ships roll in and take full advantage of cheap beer. #winning

Lunch was at the one and only Senor Frogs and for the first time in my life, I wasn't the most intoxicated person on the dance floor. Actually, I never even got on the dance floor. (There's a first for everything, people.)
One may wonder why my dress is sopping wet whilst sitting inside a restaurant?
Legit question, my friend.
And here's your answer...
Hey-if you're gonna seat me at table that overlooks crystal - did I mention crystal? - clear water, don't think for a second I won't be the first to jump in.
Cheers to forgiving general managers. ;)
By the end of day 4, we were pretty much regulars at the marina. This was also the day I realized I was tanner than Snookie and J-Wow combined.
After dinner we headed to the Atlantis comedy club where we witnessed quite possibly one of the most hysterical comedy shows either one of us had ever been to.
Money well spent, Joker's Wild. Well...spent...
Day 5: Ahhh...definitely a favorite of mine because we ventured back over to the city of Nassau and hit up multiple beaches. My kinda day, without a doubt! And this guy, well he just makes any beach look
that much better! ;)
Goodman's Bay
And then...just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Cable Beach happened.
Later that evening we made a necessary pit stop for photo ops and obligatory drinks at the Ocean Club once again. We actually ate dinner back on resort property at a restaurant called "Bimini Road". Right on the marina (#yachtstalkers), decently priced and the best...I mean the best...baked macaroni and cheese you ever did see. (Now do you see why I literally gained 10 pounds on this trip?)
Seriously though. May I reiterate the fact that the sunsets and the views at the Ocean Club are one of a kind. If you're a sunset chaser (like myself), don't doubt me for a second here.
And then on day 6, we stumbled upon the Cove Beach and oh-my-lanta...let's just say it definitely gave Cable Beach a run for it's money! We spent our last two days in this glorious water, enjoying frozen adult beverages and even got to "attend" two beach weddings! A perfect day, if you ask me?
Later in the day, the below scenario may or may not have occurred:
"Sir. Is it okay for me to jump in off these rocks?"
"No! It's dangerous! No lifeguard!"
{Shrugs shoulders} "Ok! Perfect!"
#1 qualification on my resume: "follows directions"
#2 qualification on my resume: "listens well"
Thank you, sir, for your kind advice...
Finally...and so so sadly...our last night was spent at
(are you ready for this?) the marina
(Shocker. I know.) and dinner was at Carmine's on Atlantis property. Oh, Carmine's how I loathe you and your "family style" dinner portions that are large enough and cheesy enough to feed a pack of wild indians. We later "kindly donated" the rest of our cash to the Atlantis casino to never be seen again.
Atlantis casino - 5. Beau & Stephanie - 0.
Seriously, Bahamas...stop it with all your beautifulness!! Again-not a single photo has been edited.
NOW do you understand why I once said "this was, by far, one of my absolute favorite vacations to date"?! I mean, explanation needed.
Just a tiny sidenote: Beau and I hadn't been on a vacation with just the two of us since our honeymoon so if you're in the same shoes as we were, I advise you to go on one. Just do it. It's like a weeklong date with your best friend (think "2nd honeymoon"), with beautiful scenery and delicious food on the side. ;)'s good for the heart and the soul, I tell ya!
Cheers to a wonderful vacation spent with a wonderful man!
And cheers to the longest recap(s) in blogging history! ;)