So if you know me or follow me in any of the social media worlds, you are well aware that this weekend is our big gender reveal party! What? You didn't know it's, like, the biggest event of all time?
But it is for us.
Anywho...I've had a TON of people asking me what I think Baby H is. I've read every freaking old wives' tale you could find on every page of the internet. I've dissected our ultrasound pictures and have fully researched the "skull" and "nub" theories, even though I still have the slightest ideas as to how to actually apply them. And I've even considered purchasing the gender test from the drugstore. (Ok so maybe only for a second until I quickly realized that was a complete waste of money.)
Being the most impatient person in the world (right, mom?) waiting THIS long to find out what the heck we're having has literally been eating at my insides. Ok...maybe that's taking things a little too far, but you know what I mean. I honestly don't know how some of you wait until week 20!
Obviously...I don't know what Baby H is. I really have the slightest idea. But the good news is, there's a 50/50 chance Beau and I's intuition will be right. We're competitive like that and hate being wrong, but we're okay with odds like those. ;)
So to answer the biggest question we've gotten: Do you want a boy or a girl?
I know this is so cliche to say but clearly we just want a healthy baby. Boy or girl, we would be over the moon to welcome that little blessing into our world and we would be so incredibly happy with either.
But...(there's always a "but"), and don't let ANYone ever tell you they aren't "hoping" for one gender over the other because that's a crock of you-know-what, BUT.... if we had it our way, and could "play God" for a moment and pick, we would both love to have a little boy for our first baby. Mainly because I, Stephanie, and terrified of cloning myself with a little girl, but also because boy moms are cool and I want to be a cool mom. And boys are cheaper than girls. Ok but really...I would just love to lug around a little Tonka truck playin', baseball throwin', messy little boy. And because friends tell me I'd be a good "boy mom". So I'll take it.
That being said...don't get me wrong when I say we would absolutely 1000% adore having a big bow wearin', tutu sportin', sassafrass little mini-me to spoil the ever-lovin' hell out of. (Hello? Have you heard about my dog?) So let it be known that I DO want a girl in this lifetime of mine and I really can't imagine life without a daughter. Isn't that every mom-to-be's dream?!
And surprisingly enough...Beau and I have actually agreed on ALL of this throughout this entire journey so far! I know...I'm a little shocked, too.
Now to answer the second most asked question: What do you think you're having?
No if's, and's or but's about it. I was team boy up until week 12, switched to team girl for about 2 weeks and have been back to team boy since week 14 and still strongly feel that way. I think Beau has been boy 100% of the way. (Duh-what guy isn't?) I really don't know how to explain it but my intuition has told me boy almost the entire time.
Again-we're just happy to be having a baby. A real life, living, breathing precious little baby. It's just still so surreal, y'all.
Ok ok ok...enough of my chatter. I answered the top 10 Old Wives' Tales below because I want to know what YOUR guess is!
Also, I wanted to thank Chelsea at Two Twenty One for creating the original "Old Wives' Tale" image like mine above. I was in no creative form when I envisioned this post until I stumbled upon hers so all creative credit goes to that woman! :) Thanks, Chels, for letting me "borrow" your same idea!
What do you blue or team pink?!

What's so funny is that all my responses to that list during my first pregnancy would have said it was a girl, including what I thought. But I had a beautiful baby boy! And I absolutely love it!
ReplyDeleteTeam blue because of your intuition. I had that same intuition with my first... I knew without a doubt I was having a boy and sure enough, I did. Have fun this weekend at your party... so exciting!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going with boy. That may well be because that's the same intuition I have for myself, but I just feel like you're having a boy. I'm excited to find out from you :)
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing it's a boy! Just be careful, I am due in late August and was told at a 15 week elective ultrasound that our baby was 100% a boy. I had my 20 week anatomy scan on Tuesday (April Fools Day) and learned that our boy is actually a GIRL! We're still recovering from the shock! Good luck! Can't wait to find out!
ReplyDeletein my experience its always the opposite of what I thought, with me and my friends
ReplyDeleteWell, some people wait till 20 weeks because they have to ;) I have been very impatiently waiting to find out, but Monday is our big day! I think boy for you as well. All of my old wives tales say girl for me, and the Chinese birth chart says girl, but I still think ours is a boy, so what do I know! :) Glad to hear things have been going well so far!
ReplyDeleteI am definitely going with the mom's intuition! I thought girl the whole time and sure enough I was right! Either way, sooooo exciting you get to find out soon! Then let the planning begin :)
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about this the other day when I saw you had handed over the envelope...and I honestly have no idea for you! Either way, you'll have a beautiful baby!
ReplyDeleteTo say I can't wait to find out what you are having is an understatement! I'm going to be stalking you ALL WEEKEND! And having a boy is just about my most favorite thing ever!!!! BUT....I am 100% positive that if I had a girl I would say it's my favorite you just can't go wrong either way!
ReplyDeleteThe Chinese calendar was right with Kennedy and TOTALLY wrong this time around! I have no base on why I think this other than my intuition is right, so I am going to guess girl!
ReplyDeleteohhh i love love love this! I can't wait to find out what you're having! I'm going with boy since that's what you're feeling too!
ReplyDeleteBoy moms are TOTALLY cool ;) Duh!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely team blue for you, I can just 100% picture you as the most adorable boy mom and a nursery in your house complete with Antlers. You're right, waiting until 20 weeks will be the death of me (the party is officially May 4th) - you are SO SMART to get an elective US.
ReplyDeleteDid you do the baking soda test? I'm almost at that level of desperation to try it. and lastly, Can I borrow the idea of the old wives tale chart from you and Chelsea? I love it.
You will be a GREAT mom no matter what, but I can def see you being a boy mom!
ReplyDeleteOK - so I totally have been thinking that you're having a girl, and the Chinese calendar is scary accurate, but now I'm thinking boy? BAH! You're throwing me for a loop. I will say - boy moms are AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteI totally want a little girl one day (not that I'm anywhere near that happening yet), but when the time does come, I want a cute little pink girly-girl! Can't wait to see all the pics from the reveal party, and all your adventures when Katie gets tehre!
ReplyDeleteMine were ALL wrong! I had so much morning sickness, high heartbeats, and the Chinese calendar said girl. Honestly I never had a hunch....Jon said from the beginning boy! I kinda hated when people asked me what gender I wanted because with your first you just want a healthy baby!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go team boy! And i'm with you, I want a boy so bad I can taste it, fingers crossed for a positive test one of these days! As much as I'd love a girl one day, to spoil with bows and ruffles....I was hell on heels when it came to attitude, and I just can't imagine it. But I should be careful what I wish for though, because my hubs wasn't the sweetest thing growing up either...ha!
ReplyDeleteI am thinking #TEAMPINK!!
ReplyDeleteBOY :) I love being a boy mom. I grew up with all brothers and just like you said, little ball uniforms and tonka trucks make my heart skip a beat. I love the chaos that little boys bring!!!
ReplyDeleteI've kind of thought you'll have a boy too! Such an exciting time though, either way, obviously!! Can't wait to see it all though!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know but I can't wait to find out! I laughed "I want to be a cool mom..."
ReplyDeleteTeam Pink....Girl!
ReplyDeleteOk so I will be honest we WANTED a boy we were dead set that it was a boy and then at 12 weeks when we found out it was a girl we were like WOAH! Dont get me wrong we are SUPER EXCITED and cant wait to welcome Little Miss in May but dont get your heart set on one gender or the other. Can't wait to hear!
ReplyDeleteI think team pink :) Can't wait for you guys to find out!! So happy for you :)
ReplyDeleteI am super curious what the Chinese gender predictor says for you!
ReplyDeleteMy friends who have had babies swear by it!! Let me know :)
I say boy!!!! However, about that boys are cheaper thing....I have 4 boys and my grocery bills is outrageous these days...jus sayin'
ReplyDeleteOk so i'm one of the crazies I waited until 37 1/2 weeks when my little present got here. I had a feeling the entire time it was a boy but everyone else said I was carrying like a girl. I think you should go with your intuition and say BOY!
ReplyDeleteI totally am not prepared to parent a girl, so I am with you on the boy mom thing!! Boy all the way!!
ReplyDeleteI've said it from the beginning- I think it's a boy! You have all the same symptoms and cravings as me and I'm having a boy. And we secretly hoped it was a boy too. Although, my hubby was convinced it was probably a girl. I was always sure it was a boy- just my mommy intuition. But we found out at 15 weeks its a boy and then confirmed again at 18 weeks- still boy! Can't wait for y'all to find out.
ReplyDeleteI am going Team Boy because that is what I had the first time around and there is something about an older brother! Can't wait for you to find out so you can share with the rest of us!!
ReplyDeleteB-L-U-E ALL ALONG. :)
ReplyDeleteI had identical old wives' tales to yours. Identical! I swear by that chinese gender chart. Everyone thought I was having a boy...but I have a sweet little girl! And I wanted a boy too, but now I can't even imagine having a boy. Girls are way fun (hello adorable clothes)!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing BOY! Can't wait for the reveal and all of the party details:)
ReplyDeleteHah! No problem. And I'm going to say boy. :)
ReplyDeleteHow exciting!!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteI know the Chinese calendar had a 50/50 chance of being right or wrong.... but... I have rarely seen it be wrong! Either way it must be so, so exciting!
ReplyDeleteGAH I'm just so anxious to find out!
ReplyDeleteOK, I totally understand this! I was set on having a boy for our first...I was convinced. Honestly, the drama of a girl terrified me and I thought a little man would suit my personality better for a first baby. I could have been more wrong and cannot picture my life any other way but with our little girl being the first! She is so funny and is an absolute blast to dress and buy headbands for. You'll love it!