Dress: Old Navy
How far along: 21 weeks!
Baby size: Pomegranate - about 10 1/2 inches in length and around 13 ounces.
Baby's progress: Baby has developed taste buds now and is able to actually taste! Also-her arms and legs are finally proportionate to her body. Important little detail there!
Weight gain: 10ish pounds as of last week but I'm pretty sure the cheesecake I just demolished added another pound...or two.
Stretch marks: Nothing yet...
Sleep: Yes. Except for the typical 3-4 trips to visit the John. Have I mentioned I'm over that?
Gender: Paisley Ann :)
Movement: Yes! All day movement now, which is pretty cool! I swear I can feel her doing somersaults in there...
Best moment this week: Picking out a crib and bedding for our sweet girl!! We had always had something in mind, until we found a different store in Houston to register at and completely switched gears! I'm excited to start envisioning all of her stuff in the nursery. :)
Looking forward to: My birthday dinner tonight. Did someone say Mexican food?! Also-I'm looking forward to being 28! I feel very blessed and am pretty darn content with life these days so I'm really going to embrace turning another year older! Late twenties...holy heck where has the time gone?!
Food cravings: Lemon water, fresh fruit (especially pineapple and green grapes) and all of a sudden...chocolate milk.
Weirdest food I ate this week: Last night I definitely drank a ginormous glass of chocolate milk (made with almond milk, of course) with our fish tacos. Fish and milk...what an excellent combo!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the thought of eating fish and drinking chocolate milk again.
Labor Signs: Uh no.
What I miss: Seriously...wine. And beer. Now that its warmer outside (also see: we reached over 90 degrees this week), I am seriously craving an ice cold beer. I also miss not having to pee 47 times per day...before noon.
Symptoms: Throbbing headaches here and there. Constipation (TMI?) is also becoming an issue and this week I had my first Charlie horse. Let's just say I'd rather have my leg amputated than go through that again...Oh-and I'm getting all veiny. Not the varicose kind, but I tried on swimsuits this week and I swear, besides noticing my boobs growing at least a cup size, I have freaking veins everywhere all of a sudden! Either that or my skin is becoming transparent...
Workouts: Yep! I've been steadily going twice a week and taking Oakley on long walks twice/day.
Things that suck: Trying to organize a gift registry...at three different stores. I remember this being so stressful when we got married because there are just so many stinkin' choices and you're trying to organize it across multiple stores, but throw in the fact that we have NO idea what we're doing, what we need or what anything is called and its a recipe for disaster. Thank GOD Beau is a spreadsheet machine so its only a matter of time before everything is perfectly placed in an Excel document. Oh joy!
Things that don't suck: That cheesecake I said I demolished about 5 minutes ago. Not one bit of regret there...nope. Not at all. Also-Picmonkey doesn't suck for smoothing the heck out my face. I had the mother of all zits on my forehead (not to mention all it's little children roaming around my chin) but thanks to the 'airbrush' feature, its no longer haunting me. Thanks, Picmonkey.
And how could I leave out that this time next week I'll be packing for our babymoon!! That doesn't suck one bit. I'll be spending my very first Mother's Day here if anyone needs me...
And just for fun, here's what the bump looked like at 18, 19 and 20 weeks. I'm not sure what's getting bigger here...my belly or my ass. Don't answer that.
That's all. Bye!

So, so sweet! Your bump pictures are beautiful! :)
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ReplyDeleteGoing by so fast! Love that dress from Old Navy!
ReplyDeleteI always worry about what I will look like pregnant someday but you are rocking it girl! So adorable :) Happy birthday!! April birthdays are the best!
ReplyDeleteOh the joy of being pregnant with a girl.... they totally have no respect for the weight in your booty. Haha. Dude, the thought of fish has grossed me out this entire pregnancy so far (and I love seafood!). But chocolate milk? That sounds divine.
ReplyDeleteLooking good, love me some Picmonkey! I just cannot believe you are going to be preggo in the Texas summer.... I'd be knee deep in a pool all summer
ReplyDeleteYou look awesome! I have that same dress from Old Navy! :)
ReplyDeleteI totally hear you on the wine/beer thing! I went on a work event last friday that was on a river and I was wishing the WHOLE time that Corona made a Non-alcoholic beer. You are looking fantastic! Love the dress :)
ReplyDeleteYay for 28! Bring on the virgin margaritas tonight!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Darling!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you so much!
I can't believe you craved milk!! Happy Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope you have a great day!!
ReplyDeleteWishing you a very Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is amazing!
ReplyDeleteYou're still a cute tiny thing! Happy Birthday and enjoy your baby moon!
ReplyDeleteYou're looking so good mama!
ReplyDeleteYou are so cute! I'm so excited for you guys!
ReplyDeleteSo I must say a few things,
ReplyDelete-I love your blog
-you get the cutest preggo award
-you totally make me happy for when we decided to have a baby and I get a bump
-love the babymoon idea :)
Girl - whatever you do, don't make the same mistake I did and point your toes - make sure they go towards the ceiling. WORST. PAIN. EVER. My OB recommended calmag supplements! Thankfully I'm in week 27 and they haven't been around for a few weeks. Crossing my fingers for you that they go away soon. =)
I know it doesn't sound great, but I totally craved ice cold beer last summer while I was pregnant. I've never wanted it so much in my life (including pre-pregnancy)! Anyway, I bought fake beer - several companies make it now - added a little lime juice and solved my craving problems. It especially helped during pool parties or bbq's when EVERYONE around me was drinking.
ReplyDeleteSteph, you truly look great. I know gaining weight can be difficult and not ever have been pregnant I don't know how it feels. I hate to read about you bashing you beautiful baby body. Honestly, you can't even see any weight gain at all.