To my benefit, I'm not absolutely nuts for retaking our wedding photos. Apparently this is something that is very common. SO common, there's even a name for it..."groomals". Yes-this makes me sleep better at night so we'll just go with it.
((BTW-If you're new to my little world-you might want to read
this first.))
Anywho-today we had our "groomals", if you would, and just by seeing the teeny tiny 1" x 1" screen on my photog's camera...I don't think we will be disappointed! And duh...yes you will see them as soon as I have them in my little fingees!
PS-if I've never mentioned before that taking wedding/bridal photos is a job....hear me loud and clear...TAKING WEDDING/BRIDAL PHOTOS IS A JOB. Got it? A little piece of advice...make sure you have at least 3 people there to help. OH! & booze.
God forbid-don't forget the booze.
Poor Beau. He was such a good sport. He looked so handsome all over again and is always so patient with my demanding ways. What a saint...
Now that it's all said and done-I am so relieved. I am confident this time around and can honestly say I know there are some great shots on that little memory card of Tom's. It was kind of fun to have my hair and makeup done all over again. What girl doesn't what that?! And the fact that I got to wear my wedding dress for a third time-psshh...icing on the cake! (Bridals, wedding, groomals-that's 3.) BUT-let me say that again...BUT, I got so sick of trying to explain to people in the mall (where I had my hair and makeup done) that I was already married and the reason I was dressed like a bride was because of blah, blah, and blah. I may or may not have told mini fibs to just a few people. My makeup lady thought I was having bridal portraits done. The shoe salesman in Dillard's thinks I'm getting married next week. And one random person in Sephora thinks I'm renewing my vows. HA.
To top off my we were walking to the car after our pictures I had a missed call and text from my best friend, Julie. I just knew what she was
going to tell me when I got her text stating "Call me. ASAP."
Yup! She's engaged!!!! Do you know what this means for me???
ANOTHER wedding to plan!
Looks like catching your best friend's
bouquet is lucky afterall!
(Bad pic but it's the only one I gotz.)

Ok ladies...I'm off to give my groom some TLC.
After today, he def deserves it!
In the meantime-I double dog dare you to not spend hours gazing at these uh-mazing websites that inspired today's photo sesh...
Enjoy, girlies!