If there was a way for me to monogram my baby, I would.
Ok. That's a lie.
But really...isn't it like an unwritten rule that baby girls should automatically be born into a world full of monograms, initials and personalized items galore?! I rest my case.
Because I've spent more time researching all things monogrammed than I've researched hospitals and daycares (#truestory), I wanted to take a quick minute to share them in case any of you are in the market for similar items either for yourself, or for a mommy-to-be! Also because giving things like diapers, wipes and butt cream are just far too practical to give as gifts... ;)
And also because they're just too stinking cute not to post about. Le duh.
First things first, the baby book. Ahhh. Something I couldn't WAIT to buy, but at the same time, the thing that took what felt like forever to find! (Sidenote: did you know that people pay anywhere up to $200 for a freaking monogrammed baby book? Ya. Me either.) I knew I wanted something timeless and not modern, yet soft and girly but not outrageously expensive. Just when I was about to throw in the towel, I stumbled upon The Sweet Rhino's personalized baby memory books and it was love at first site.
I meannnnn....everything I was looking for...
She has all types of prints of fabrics for the outside of your baby's book, several different options as far as the inside page design and you can buy allllll the extra pages you want. Not to mention...she doe custom jobs, too! The cover is lined with fabric, in case any of you are wondering, so say you had some fabric that matched baby's bedding, she could make a book out of that!
Also to note: I placed my order on a Thursday and had it in my hands at the beginning of the following week. Definitely a plus!
As a writer, naturally, I cannot wait to sit down and take the time to fill in every single little blank line on every single page!
Ok moving right along.
Besides a baby memory book, I knew I wanted some type of journal for baby girl so that I can write notes to her as the days go by and so that she will always have something to look back on when I'm old and gray and can't write anymore. I knew I wanted something simple, yet again, something that was personalized for her and her only and that I could always buy more of , should I fill the first one up.
Insert: the May Designs custom May Book.
I hope I fill this one with so many little love notes that I have to buy a new one for each year, but I'm trying not to put to much pressure on myself and just take it one letter at a time. To say I'm anxious to sit down in the rocking chair in her room and write her the very first letter would be the biggest understatement of the year! Now just to figure out exactly what I want that first letter to say...
This next one is incredibly near and dear to my heart: the monogrammed hospital gown. Seriously...when I got this out of my mailbox, I instantly thought to myself,"Ok I'm pretty sure this is the most precious piece of mail I will ever receive!"...besides a puppy, of course. But please don't mail me a puppy. Oakley is enough to handle right now. ;)
While I'm not 100% sure if she will be coming home in this or if this will be the very first real outfit baby girl wears outside of the womb, knowing that I will have a precious little pink bundle wearing this little number in less than 11 weeks makes my heart skip a beat. I know that's "so cliche" of me to say, but it's an honest to goodness feeling that I just can't explain!
And last, but definitely not least...something that will make cleaning up baby puke cuter than EVER...personalized burp cloths! So bright and cheery and hello...they scream girly girl! I just can't handle it. Who knew getting burp cloths in the mail could literally make your week?!!
Know what else can make your week? YOU get a chance to win your very own set of personalized burp cloths! And you can personalize them ANY way you want!! No really...ANY way you want!
The ever-so-sweet Susanna with Sweet & Simple Stitches has offered to giveaway a set of personalized burp cloths to one lucky follower!! She was seriously a JOY to work with and her products are nothing short of adorable! (DUH!) She also makes the most precious monogrammed sippy cups that I cannot WAIT to get my hands on once Paisley is old enough to drink out of one (though I'm definitely not trying to rush any milestones here!).
To be entered to win a set of personalized burp cloths, all you have to do is 'like' Sweet and Simple Stitches on Facebook ! That's it! And even if you're not a momma or momma-to-be, don't be shy! Go ahead and enter...you can always gift it to one of your momma bear friends!
So ya...I used to talk about happy hours and booze and here I am talking all things burp cloths and baby books. My how things have changed... ;)