I recently stumbled upon Jenni at
Story of My Life ((ps...LOVE reading her posts, looking at her pics and hearing about her and her hubby...check her out!)) who has created "List of Ten Tuesdays". Basically there are no rules, just to makes a list of 10 somethings-anythings. I'm a list girl so I had to jump on this train!

So. Here goes my random list of 10 for today...maybe next time it will be better organized? ...nah...
1. I've started going to the gym during my lunch hour and it has been just fabulous so far! (Well, except today. I packed by shoes, socks, shorts, sports bra put it all in my car this morning and realized I
totally forgot a t-shirt. Who does that?! So I skipped today.) No, I don't get all sweaty because I don't do cardio when I go during lunch. A brisk leg or arm workout followed by a strict ab routine will make me walk out of there feeling like jello and not sweaty at all! Sometimes I even have time to scarf down a quick salad too! Since I was unable to go today, I guess the cans of soup in my desk drawer will have to act as instant-dumbells and I may or may not steal my boss's workout ball to sit on for the rest of the afternoon. ;)
2. Baby powder has become my new best friend. I've always been the girl who just
had to have clean hair. Pssshh...that crap is for the birds. When you're trying to grow your hair out, you'll do anything to avoid washing, drying, and straightening it everyday.
Even if you do have to "powder" it 3 days in a row.3. I have a horrible addiction to Etsy.com all of a sudden. I can't get over its adorable, handmade, personalized goodness and I can't seem to get enough of it these days!
Dear Santa,

4. I'm extremely excited to start working on a (hopeful) iPhone/iPad app for my company! If it pans out like I hope for, details will come soon!
Smitten blog designs has thee cutest layouts. If you see a new template on my blog within the next few days, this is why.
6. I've decided to be a sailor for Halloween this year. Well, I didn't decide that, it's just how it's gonna be. I have a sailor costume from a couple years back that I LOVE and only got to wear to my company's Halloween party...therefore...no one saw me in it except all the bartenders and waitresses at the time. Fortunately, it still fits. The funny thing is that when I wore it the first time, I had to
not eat so it would fit cute. This time around, it's a little baggy in the mid-section so I actually
have to eat so it will fit cute. Oh the benefits of losing a few lbs! Hollaaa!
7. My company is starting a live stream talk show every Tuesday and they've asked me and a couple other girlies in the office to be the "panel"! It's supposed to be kind of like The View but focused on Women's Health, which of course, is right up my alley! I'll keep y'all posted on that...it should be
verrry interesting to say the least!!
8. I will warn you all now...my company staff exam is in 2 weeks so if I'm M.I.A. in the blog world, this is why. I will try to post a couple of times but it's a pretty intense exam that we take yearly on all the different aspects of our businesses (hormones, allergies, vitamins, yeast overgrowth, thyroid, adrenal glands). It's oh, about 14 pages front and back typed and has to be memorized word for word. If I don't get a 90 or higher each year, my job may or may not still be here. This will be my 3 time taking it so hopefully it won't be as intense as the first go 'round!
9. Less than 6 months 'til "I DO"!!!
10. I think I'm going to see Wall Street tonight with the Mr. Anyone have any reviews on it? I'm not dying to see it but he's a Financial Advisor (remember that for your 401K's, life insurance, disability insurance, etc...he's good!) anyways, so I like to support him and what he enjoys. It's at Studio Movie Grill so even if the movie isn't my cup of tea, they serve booze which always makes for a good time! ;)
Back to work!