Our friends Ashley and Todd dropped us off after the movie and since we had keys to what we thought went to the garage door we told them to head on home since it was late.
Keys didn't work.
Fortunately Beau has keyless entry on his truck so we aren't stuck out in the cold and if, just IF, his keys were in his truck like they are 99% of the time, we would be driving to one of our parents' houses so we could more easily deal with this mess tomorrow morning.
His keys are in the house.
So. Here we are. Sitting in his truck waiting for maintenance to come unlock us out. ETA for maintenance man was 20 minutes. We are going on 45 now. Apparently Jose is on island time.
Bed is calling my name. ( and not to mention I am DYING to wash my face. You know that feeling??)
Fiance and I have entertained each other enough and are ready to just get in our warm, cozy, comfy bed. Poop.
Happy Saturday night, folks! While most of you are probably stumbling out of your cab from your favorite adult hang out, I'm waiting on the man with the magical key...
This would be me...anxiously awaiting his arrival...
Don't I just look thrilled?!
