December 21, 2010

Blogger iPhone App!!

The answer to my our prayers!

Well...not really. I never actually prayed that I would find a blogger app but I did search for a while and well, I'm on it now!!

It's a whopping $2.99 so it won't break the bank and you can even post pics, change font sizes and everything!

Side note: It does not, however, give you a dashboard and/or the list of all the blogs you are following for easy reading/commenting. As far as posting, it's prefect and very easy to use.

It's called BlogPress and can be found in the AppStore (duh). For all you Blackberry and/or Droid addicts...sorry 'bout your luck. You're on your own.

Anyways-just thought I'd share!

Goodnight lovelies!


  1. Ohhh...I wish you hadn't told me about this! All I need is one more app on my phone to keep me distracted! :)

  2. Yes! I've been waiting for this! Thanks for sharing!

  3. just another reason that iphone is better than the blackberry. i am counting down the weeks until i can change over!!


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