January 30, 2014

Photo An Hour {Link Up}

Not gonna lie...I've been so excited about today's link up since we posted it, well, last week! Since you already saw a day the life of me working, I thought it'd be slightly more entertaining to give you a full day of my life on a Sunday. I know you've all just been sitting on pins and needles wanting to know what I do with my time on the weekends. (Sarcasm folks. Get on m y level.)

Lemme tell ya...my Sunday's are nothing fancy...or really entertaining for all that matter. But, it is what it is and I enjoyed my day so there's that. :) 

7:30a: wakey wakey! Beau absolutely despises the fact that I can't sleep in past 8...poor guy.
8:30a: morning walk with the hubs & the pup
9:30a: busting out Oakley's birthday cake or what some would call it, teasing her
10:30a: realizing how badly I need a hair cut. Like real bad.
11:30a: shopping, shopping and more shopping! (Also see: I got there before the stores even opened...)
12:30p: new spring maxi skirts from Target. #obsessed #iwant4more
1:30p: cake time! Don't worry-she's been working on it all week. What kind of mother do you think I am?!
2:30p: finally found (just about) all the pieces to our guest bedroom bedding collection!
3:30pm: totally necessary nap time
4:30pm: "ma. wake the hell up"
5:30pm: "vacuuming"...aka supervising the Roomba as it tried to escape out the back door.
6:30pm: finally busted out the new sunnies!
7:30pm: headed out to our first rodeo event of the year! How is it rodeo season already?!
8:30pm: hanging out with the most precious auction item you ever. did. see.
9:30pm: closed out the night with an awesome concert by the Spazmatics

See there? Just little Sunday Funday...all in picture form. Now wasn't that fun?!

A big shout out to my lovely co-host Meg O. for making this little link up possible! I'm a little linky tool challenged so I'm thankful she took over that part for me! ;)

Link up with us below!! I can't wait to see what y'all came up with!!

A Photo an Hour Link-Up! January 30, 2014

1. Meg @ Meg O. on the Go (HOST)  21. Emily @ Be Blessed Y'all  41. Nicole @ Life's a Beach  
2. Steph @ Southern Mess (HOST)  22. Jennifer @ Bubbly & Buttercream  42. Whitney @ The Observant Turtle  
3. Kate @ Classy Living  23. Illegally Blonde  43. Mandy  
4. Ericka @ This Crazy Thing Called Life  24. Lindsay @ la vita dolce  44. K @ Keeping Up With K...  
5. Britt @ 26th of August  25. Renee @ So Fill Your Heart  45. Alyson from Starting Over at the Dirty 30  
6. Emily @ Everyday Accounts  26. Maura @ Life That Sparkles  46. Jessie @ One Blessed Jess  
7. Eat, Drink, and Be Lauren  27. Brunch with Amber  47. Elizabeth of Cocktails and Goats  
8. Sarah @ Happiness and Lace  28. Tami @ Little Moments Like This  48. Whitney @ just a country girl  
9. Renee @ thechiway  29. Krys @Happily Ever Hares  49. jessica @ you are my color  
10. Meg @Everyday Meg  30. Steph  50. Silence of the Mom  
11. Elisabeth @ My Cup of Sparkle  31. Chaos & Coffee  51. Lindsey  
12. Stefanie H.  32. Ashley @ Sweet Carolina Belle  52. Julie @ Love, Juliebug  
13. Carolyn @ life, love & puppy prints  33. Jen @ Life, Love & Puppy Paws  53. Kili @ little piece of aloha  
14. Talya @ Grace Grits and Gardening  34. Erin @ A Dash of Time  54. Sarah @ Total Basset Case  
15. Meghan @ The Adventure Starts Here  35. Tristan {at} Sunshine!  55. Jennifer @ Busy Being Jennifer  
16. Kay @ The Best Of Intentions  36. Krystal@It'sKrystal...withaK  56. jen Logsdon  
17. Tesla @ Legally Fabulous  37. Sara Magdalena  57. Catherine  
18. Alecia @ Choosing to be Colorful  38. Katie @ Tales of a Twenty Something Hipster  58. Doneida @ SImmplySweet  
19. Darby @Life with the Hawleys  39. Amanda @ Maggiano Takes Austin  59. Melanie @ Melanie Gets Married  
20. Allie @ Tales of a Twenty Something  40. Marianna @ Delightfully Dunn  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I tried to take pictures yesterday...I really did. I ended up with about 5 of them. I honestly should have set myself a reminder for every hour so I'd do it during the work day. It didn't work out too well for me!!!

  2. It was sooooo much fun! Thanks for hosting and for the idea.

  3. I loved doing this! Thanks for hosting this link up... It was so much fun!

  4. I love that you did a weekend day! Its crazy that it is already rodeo season WHEW!
    Thanks for hosting with Meg... well the Other Meg

  5. LOVE the Spazmatics! This was so fun, thanks for hosting!!

  6. Ahh I want to participate! People may be horrified by my PJs, no makeup status all day though :) I love the spazmatics!

  7. Puppy birthday cake!! I just ordered Ella's yesterday!

  8. Such a fun link-up! I loved doing this! Thanks for hosting!


  9. Poor Oakley! Wants her moma to wake up!! haha too cute!

  10. Haha, I love this! Those maxi dresses are adorable, and your pup is so cute!

  11. This is so cute! And now I totally want to go to Target... that place is gonna be the death of me.

  12. I need those maxi skirts in my life - I looked online but didn't see them so hopefully I can find in store!! Thanks for doing this - such a fun link up!!

  13. Love this! When are you doing it again??


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Also, please make sure your email address is set up with your profile so that I am able to respond to you. xoxo


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