October 3, 2012

Pinterest: It's Becoming a Real Problem

Iono about y'all but I have been a pinning FOOL here lately! Maybe it's because the holiday season is coming up and for some reason I like to think I'm some sort of crafty baketress/gourmet chef when Thanksgiving & Christmas roll around, which we all know is not true. Maybe it's because our house is literally being built (FINALLY!) as I type this sentence and sister needs all the help she can get in the decoration/DIY department. Maybe it's because when I login to Pinterest, I just always seem to overstay my welcome.
Either way...I've become a serial pinner as of late...
You know shit's hit the fan when you start pinning from your TV...
I don't have the time (or patience) to link each and every one of my pins below so follow me and you'll have access to the goods. Deal? Deal!
Kristen-what do you say you put your PhotoShop skills to work and make this for me for Christmas??!! Puh puh puh PLEEEEEEASSEE??!

So simple and cute! Perfect for a long, narrow wall!
(Ironic that it has the letter "H"? I think NOT!)

Uber girly, ruffly boot socks. Who wants to buy these for me?

Uhhh...hello dream room! Tell me this doesn't look like something straight out of Gone With The Wind? (OK-I've never seen that movie. I'm just assuming this is what it would look like?)

Story of my life...

Adorable engagey pic for my girl, Ashley! ;)

Surely I can craft something as simple as this?? We shall see...

Inspiration for my antique window pane I bought this weekend! Deets to come soon. ;)
There needs to be a 12-step program for Pinterest. Amiright or amiright?
Step 1: Hi. My name is Stephanie and I'm addicted to Pinterest.
Link up with the rest of us addictees!


  1. You are one serious pinner with that big screen, honey boo boo.

    I needz some boot socks. And some boots to wear them with.

  2. I am in the same way addicted to pinterest!
    I made that last thing you pinned! Super easy!
    Love it - it hangs proudly in my dining room!!!!
    And I think I need those socks too!


  3. Oh I can soo relate!!! They should make a Pinterest addiction support group!

  4. Um pretty sure I'm going to have to look into pinning on my TV now!!

    If Kristen doesn't make that print for you, I definitely can :)

  5. That love story sign melts my heart! I may have to add that to our home! <3

  6. You are adorable. And I agree, I didn't touch pinterest for like, a month. And now that I'm getting in the Christmas spirit (weirdo, I know), I'm a pinaholic! And YES to that first pin! I've been working on that this week, and may or may not have a Michael's trip planned with my girlfriends Friday to start some Christmas decorations. Glad I'm not alone :)

  7. OMG I want Kristen to make me one of those, too! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! ...and that bedroom set/combo thingy gah too flippn' die for! I am a Pinterest whore and it makes me feel crafty even when I am not haha

  8. um we can start a group;
    because girl i am addicted

  9. I'm a complete addict too... I'm always pinning!

  10. I love so many of these pins!!! Especially the ecard about bed LOLOL!!!

  11. Love these! I have two HUGE window panes that I used to have hanging in my kitchen and decorated seasonally. In the new house though, I have no idea what to do with them! I'd love to do something like this, but that print would have to be enormous!

  12. Love the 3 frames! THAT bedroom! I want it. That wall is gorgeous!!

  13. I will make you that for Christmas but you have to act surprised when you open it!! ;)

  14. Oh, Girllll!

    I am SO addicted lately too!! I went on just to get a few fall family/baby girl photo ideas and then all of the sudden I start pinning EVERYTHING in sight including those super cute boot socks!!!

    Le siiiiigh!

  15. awesome pins, I'm addicted too sign me up for counseling.. thanks for sharing! :) I linked up too
    nora @ two is better than one

  16. I love the bedroom and the socks! Oh yeah, and pinning!




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