February 27, 2014

My Insides Are Cuter Than Yours...Well, Unless You're Pregnant, Too...

Happy Thursday, friends! 

Baby H had it's first "official" photoshoot this week so I just wanted to drop in and give you all a quick glimpse at his/her first "real-baby-looking" picture! Like most first ultrasounds, our first snapshot (at 7 weeks) of our little peanut resembled that of a grain of rice but now...NOW (at 12 weeks) there's a full-blown baby in there! With such distinct features already, it's so incredibly hard to believe he/she/it is still only the size of a plum!

He/she/it better get used to photoshoots. Just sayin'...

There were so many judo chops and high kicks going on at the time, I'm surprised the tech was able to capture this shot of this little squirmy wormy of mine, but I sure am thankful she did!

I just can't handle the preciousness of that little profile. Never did I ever think my insides could be so cute! ;)

It really is incredible, y'all. And still very very surreal. 

PS-if you aren't knocked up, have never been knocked up or never plan to be, it's completely normal to think these ultrasounds are the creepiest thing since Chucky. I felt that way, too...until it was my own. :)

Now go have a drink for me tonight, would you? I insist.


  1. My little bun in the oven has always been doing crazy ninja moves when we go get an u/s. I'm just now starting to feel the movements and it's crazy! But moving is good, then they can see all the parts and know everything is good. So happy for y'all!

  2. I will totally have a drink...or two...for you ;) especially since you insist. and I am sure I will feel differently once I have my own of course, but I am an ultrasound tech and i still think the 4d ultrasounds are the creepiest thing since chucky ;) the regular ones are, just the ones where you can see every little detail. idk something about it weirds me out.

  3. Ya, about that.... I'll go have a drink for you ;) #oneday #butnotyet

  4. I am new to reading your blog and OMG you are too cute! Thank you for including us on your baby journey :)

  5. LOVING all these preggy posts on your blog, doll :) Please keep them coming x

  6. Aw, yay for pictures!! Did you have the NT scan at 12 weeks? I'm kinda bummed when I went in for mine that they didn't get that great of pictures and really rushed through it. I swear I have been feeling the baby for a few weeks, but I guess it's because I remember what it felt like last time and I'm psyching myself out, or this child is a wild one.

  7. Congratulations!! What an exciting journey you are on! :)

  8. Chops and High kicks? That is ADORABLE!

  9. I am sooo excited for you guys! Was thrilled to see the news, and you are just about the most gorgeous pregnant Mama ever! Congratulations!

  10. Getting pictures of my unborn baby was always the highlight of my pregnancy!!! Wait til he/she/THEM has a discernible face…its amazing!!!

  11. I'm just so excited for you!! And, omg, I can't believe how detailed ultrasounds are now (I say that like I've had a baby and I know all about ultra sounds---I definitely don't). But, I can totally see baby! YAY!

    I can't wait to read all the fun details. :)

  12. EEK! Our first ultrasound was where it started to feel SO REAL! :) I'm so very excited for you!

  13. Awe so fun! I imagine it being weird until actually seeing it inside you too.. Oh don't you worry sister.. I'm going to a new country bar tonight and I'm gonna drink lots for you!

  14. SO precious!! You will have to do the 4D ultrasound! They are amazing!!! I am 28 weeks "knocked up" and I am obsessed with ultrasound pictures :) Congratulations!


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